Friday, December 5, 2008

Big Ego Much?

Poley thinks he's the gift of the century.

He is a good dog though now. It sure did take a lot of training.

We're having our knitting group holiday party tomorrow. I've been cleaning a bit. I hadn't caught up with the house from Thanksgiving weekend yet, so I'm getting as much done as I can. We're having snacks, an ornament exchange and watching the holiday movie Love, Actually while knitting or spinning.

My dad went into the hospital this morning. I don't know a lot more than that yet. I don't think I've processed that yet. Sometimes I can be slow to process.

The lace train has pulled into the station. I am back working on SOTSIII. Come back and see a photo tomorrow!


  1. Oh my, hugs!! I hope your dad is ok.
    See you tomorrow.

  2. He's a cutie!
    Hope your Dad is okay. Be strong. Good thoughts your way.

  3. Love, Actually is one of my favorite movies of all time. Great to knit by...

    Hope your dad is doing OK. Keep us posted.

    LOVE your dog! We are thinking of getting a Pomeranian one day. Have you spun his fur?

  4. So is Mr Ego Cutie a Pom or a German Spitz?


I can't figure out how to respond to comments because blogger is funkay. Thanks for leaving one anyway!