First of all: I WON!! I WON!! Here is my prize for guessing Barn E. Quat's weight. (Check out the contest I won here) I haven't guess what the Ken doll pants are for yet!
I'm about half finished with spinning the silk for MysticLight Shawl Knitaling. It's turning out beautiful, but I may overdye with red again after. It's really not as dark as I had intended. Overall I'm pretty happy with the result so far.
Oh yeah, and that IS my Mystic Waters in the background. I have a clue left to go, but am suddenly taking off on it again.
Last of all! No idea if I've ever mentioned this before, but I have really long hair. I decided that in May, I will give it a chop and donate it to Locks of Love. Donating my hair is something I've thought of, but I didn't think they would take mine because I color it (oh yeah, i'm gray ya'll, at the ripe old age of 33, I am really GRAY) Anyway, it turns out they will take it. Should be fun!
WOW, that spun silk is gorgeous. Are you going to ply it with something else or another spindle? How many ounces do you have? Enquiring minds you know.